Linggo, Agosto 23, 2015

Mind or your Heart

15- Mind versus Heart

A lot of people always debate about this kind of fight. Who will you listen?... Your heart? or your mind? Some people will say It still depends on the situation that you are experiencing right now. What if you have a problem about logic? I assure, that you will use your mind because logic needs brain function to solve problems like that. But how bout love? can you still depend on your mind? Does love is a logic problem that is solve by mind? I think no, because when can you say that you are in love? did you feel it from your brain? You can feel it from your heart.

There are research about this theory. Scientist proves that you should use your mind instead of your heart because the only function of your heart is to pump blood all over your body. Heart cannot think what will happen next. But 80% of people is saying that you should listen to your heart than your mind because... first, The heart says what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. Second, The heart communicates the brain and the body through nervous system of your body. Third,  there is more information sent to your heart than your brain everyday. Fourth, the heart emits electrical activity than your brain. Fifth, the electromagnetic field of your heart is very strong compared to your brain. and lastly, your heart is also known as your little brain because it can also decide what you will do. This debate tells that Heart is winning than your mind. But still we need to balance our life not just putting your heart to the activity that you are doing but also you should put your mind and soul in it so the result will be as good as you expect.

Don't get lazy is your heart tells you this and also if your mind tells that its wrong, the thing is you should do it with heart and with mind. A wise man said that "Follow your heart, but don't lose your mind all the way" always think what you are going to be and also if you like it aw well.

7 komento:

  1. Yeah but you should always follow your mind because just like what they say that the mind is higher than your heart so it should be the one who will be followed hehehe. Btw, don't lipat lipat school na HAHAHA #conyosht

  2. Naaah! Sometimes, it's depends on the situation. Sometimes you need to follow your heart but sometimes your mind. AHH! Basta! It depends on your situation. HEHEHEHE

  3. For me, I will follow my heart and sometimes my mind or whatever

  4. heart wins, its better to love than to question love itself

  5. The mind will have to come first. It will always be the right decision.
