Linggo, Agosto 23, 2015

Mind or your Heart

15- Mind versus Heart

A lot of people always debate about this kind of fight. Who will you listen?... Your heart? or your mind? Some people will say It still depends on the situation that you are experiencing right now. What if you have a problem about logic? I assure, that you will use your mind because logic needs brain function to solve problems like that. But how bout love? can you still depend on your mind? Does love is a logic problem that is solve by mind? I think no, because when can you say that you are in love? did you feel it from your brain? You can feel it from your heart.

There are research about this theory. Scientist proves that you should use your mind instead of your heart because the only function of your heart is to pump blood all over your body. Heart cannot think what will happen next. But 80% of people is saying that you should listen to your heart than your mind because... first, The heart says what you need to do to keep yourself healthy. Second, The heart communicates the brain and the body through nervous system of your body. Third,  there is more information sent to your heart than your brain everyday. Fourth, the heart emits electrical activity than your brain. Fifth, the electromagnetic field of your heart is very strong compared to your brain. and lastly, your heart is also known as your little brain because it can also decide what you will do. This debate tells that Heart is winning than your mind. But still we need to balance our life not just putting your heart to the activity that you are doing but also you should put your mind and soul in it so the result will be as good as you expect.

Don't get lazy is your heart tells you this and also if your mind tells that its wrong, the thing is you should do it with heart and with mind. A wise man said that "Follow your heart, but don't lose your mind all the way" always think what you are going to be and also if you like it aw well.

Biyernes, Agosto 21, 2015


14- Auroras

                An Aurora is a natural light display in the sky from a Latin word "sunrise" predominantly seen in the high latitude in Arctic and Antartic regions. Aurora are caused by cosmic rays, solar wind, and magnetospheric plasma interacting with the upper atmosphere. Their changes particles, mainly electrons and protons, enter the atmosphere from above causing ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents, and consequent light emission. Have you ever seen  phenomenon like this in your whole life?

                Seeing this alone makes you feel or telling your mind that you wish you have your love ones by your side and watching the light change positions and colors. Suddenly you will remember good memories and the special ones. Seeing this with the person you love like your family, friends and your boyfriend or girlfriend makes you feel comfortable and suddenly you will realize that they love who you are thinking of what will happen next in the future with them. I watched a video on Youtube about comments in the auroras... then this woman tells a treasure memories when she was 18 years old... It is about her boyfriend that have seen this kind of phenomenon in the arctic when they decided to take a vacation there. She said that " When i saw this light moving and changing colors is like this man is my true love; I love him so much and I don't want to lose him anymore" and the man replied "Don't worry my love, I will be here for you forever and I love you more than you love me". Isn't that a beautiful memory of them? Now, the woman is 70 years old but the man already died in the age of 72. That's why the woman cried everytime when she saw auroras filtering the sky with different colors like a rainbow moving towards to another place. And this story inspires me to go on a place with my love and starts to wait for this phenomenon and maybe that's the perfect time to do proposal or it could be you will say that you love her. because this kind of phenomenon is very rare to see.

                   Therefore, I wish I could go there onetime and make a very memorable event of my life. because I love the way that nature makes a phenomenon like this. Someday I will, with me family, friends, and my love.


13- Music

                           Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Generally a song is considered the smallest standalone work of music, especially when involving singing. Music is composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes. Music theory encompasses the nature and mechanics of music. It often involves identifying pattern that govern composers's techniques and examining the language and notation of music. Mostly all people love to hear about love story musics that make their bodies relax and comfortable. Every rhythm of the song makes you feel alive, every tone of the music makes you get fully alive and lastly the lyrics of the music makes yourself improve more that you can do. We have favorite singers, bands etc. but for me, Now I love to hear music from "Us the Duo" It is composed with a girl and a man just get married and inspired to make their own covers and music because they have good quality of voices and when they sing is like a two angels singing for each other from heaven.

                            For me, Us the duo makes my everyday because the lyrics,tone, and especially them makes me inspire to do things that I haven't yet doing in my whole life. Great changes have taken place in our social life. There are singers just want to influence them to do drugs because they said that taking them will make you do what ever you want to do. but then, there was good singers who encourage us to help people and be with them until the end. Have you ever tried to listen to your favorite love music when you are going to sleep? then It's raining and you have a very cozy bed and It's like you are sleeping in the clouds above the starry night. and you are thinking about something to want or someone you love that inspires you to go and lead the way for her/him. Music is life. It can help you to do something right everyday. It will light your mind,heart and your inner soul to the right way to go. sometimes music is rude but it is just an example of expressing what you feel. the eotion of every singers reflects on what problem they are encountering right now.

                             We should understand what is music is all about. It will be a big help for everybody. especially when you have big problems about love: music can help you to solve the problem. Just remember music is all you need to make yourself happy and contented. :)

Martes, Agosto 18, 2015

Bayani ba'to? Heroism for millennials

12- Bayani ba'to? Heroism for millennials 

                 First of all... who is your hero in life? It could be your parents or God or even your friends. but how can you say that that man is your hero? did he die for a war? to protect you and all the people from death? It could be it but what about your friends? are they superman, batman, wonder woman, flash that has super powers to save you from evil. 

                 For me the one that is hero is my God, parents and specially my friends. In God that almighty saves us from depth. He is the one who helps those who are people in need. He forgive us for what sin we have done everyday. We catholic believe in God... Not just believe but also we have faith in him. My parents who let me live in this world for about 17 years. they are taking care of me since the day that I was born. They feed me, they change my diaper, they buy clothes, they buy me toys, and all the things that I want. My friends in school. Jhenina, she is my best friend since first day of school. She is very scary when she got mad or she is offended. she is nice,pretty, beautiful, polite, respectful and very religious person.She helps me when I am in need. Dominico, he is 21 years old but still he is my best friend. he is a guy who loves staying at the parking lot because he is very friendly and he got alot of friends in the APC actually. He is also my hero because he is there for me to give suggestion or comments if there was a problem. Marcla, she i mean he is actually a gay but not that GAYmuch he is very smart, a good dancer, comedian but also a wild person. he is also my hero because he teaches me how to dance eventhough my bones are too strong and I cant move swaggly. Shen, she is actually a lesbian but not that LESBIAN totally. she is very cute, funny, smart, a dancer and she was like marcla thats why I considered her as a hero. Yesha, she is very cute, a genius, a math wizard, the lucena girl. I can say that she became my hero because she is always there for me. she always treat us friends eventhough there is no occasion happening. Janella, She is beautiful, the pabebe in our class, she thinks very fluently in every different way. she is also my hero because she loves and she trust me and thats what a real friend is. Kat, she has curly hair, she is short, a lucena girl also which i can consider as a hero because she is a true friend.

                therefore I can say that, you don't need to die for somebody... All you have to do is to be there at their side and rely on something. Appreciate things that someone is doing for you even it is big or small. Accept who they are and what they are. Be contented. As a hero, I am willing to help anyone who are in need.

Anti smoking campaign

11-Anti smoking campaign ( Are you a smoker or not? )

              Am I a smoker? First of all I am in favor in smoking because it can lead to illness or even death. Smoking is very bad in our health because Recent studies show a direct relationship between tobacco use and decreased bone density. Smoking is one of many factors including weight, alcohol consumption, and activity level that increase your risk for osteoporosis, a condition in which bones weaken and become more likely to fracture. In every day life here in the Philippines, I have seen that 95% of Pilipino is taking or using cigarette because that's the way they want to forget something or if they have a problem in personal life.

              Even my parents are smoking because they become a habit itself. they take 10 sticks of tobacco every day. that's why they have lung problems.... Did you know that taking cigarette can cause different cancer's? It can overdose and lead to death. I convince my parents to stop smoking because what will happen to our child if our parents die? isn't that awful? even the new cigarette called "Vaper" can kill you because of the smoke or the gas that came through the device which is very harmful to your health. The people on the court just presented the new law that you shouldn't m\smoke in public places because the second who smell your gas will lessen their life in this world even a man,woman,child or who ever you are. I'm so angry for those who are smoking then the smoke from it will let us smell. To be honest i tried to smoke once but I regret it because or the taste not only the taste but also the smell of it is totally disgusting.

              I myself can't stop people to smoke. be a hero, be the one who will encourage them to buy food than cigarette. Seeing people right now like this makes me very sad because what happened to the world? It was influenced by who? the days of creation in the bible genesis... God created things for us to be comforted with and God created things that are good for us that's why be the hero of our world. Help each other to accomplish the anti smoking campaign in APC. Die with nothing or die with honor and with courage and defiance

Biyernes, Agosto 14, 2015

Jeff the killer

10- Jeff the killer

    As a man, girls says that you are not afraid of something... but the true is we guys also have scary sense in different ways. For me the scariest thing that I saw is this picture named Jeff "The killer" because this picture get's me goose bombs and It get's me so creepy that I can't even stare at it.

   Seeing this every night makes me feel dizzy ; I felt like I'm going to be sick if I stare at this for just ten seconds. I am so scared seeing this everyday, I just notice this picture in a game called Maze. The winterrowd that pops out the creepy pictures about real life stories. There was a time which I got curious because what is the background about this photo. Some people said that it is a dog which is a german sheppard that was stolen pictures smiling. But when I search something about this story.. It seems like there was a boy named Jeff and because of frustration, hassle, Bad surroundings, etc. that's why he got a enemy that is boy like him and same age. Jeff got jealous that the boy has and he decided to kill him because he got everything. And then his brained act abnormally so he also killed his parents and siblings by a single knife and also cut his mouth widely and smiled like an idiot. Some people say that this man approached them every night and whispering "Go to sleep" But still some people think that it is all just imagination on how your brain in creative.

   Not all guys are tough that girls think as they. All people has it's scary things inside them. We guys don't like being teased by our scary things because for us it was a very big deal. I believe that this story is true. If there's light; there's dark, and if there's good; there's bad.

Dota 2

9- Dota 2

   Being a Dota 2 gamer is a big responsible in every one of us. I too, am born to be a gamer. I may not be "PRO" as you guys expect but I can compete as they can. Actually I only have 1000 Match making rank and some people are saying that I am noob meaning "Bobo". But once they have a match 1 on 1 they can't even kill me. That's why I am saying that Match making rank is just a ranked If you can improve oneself to another. A wise man said that If you win International Dota 2 Competition...It means that you win everything. Your mom will not tell you to pause your games, instead your mom will be proud of you because you are a famous person in the world right now.

   Gaming is everything for me because my life circulates in computer games but not league of legends because that game is for gays. The most successful Carry hero that I use in Dota 2 is named "Meepo" and he is actually a 5 half hamster and half mouse sort of. His first ability is called "earth bind" which is you can stun or grab an enemy just catching them in your net. Second skill is called "Poof" which each Meepo can blink and cause a big damage. The third skill in called "Geostrike" which when you attack a enemy hero it will cause slow movement. and lastly the "Meepo" which every level you will gain one meepo and the maximum meepo is 5 but you need an item that is called "Aghanim scepter" to enable it. The most successful support that I've been use is "Witch Doctor". He is a color purple witch that can cast spells.The first skill is called the "Look at it go" because he throw a skull which goes to the enemy heroes and stuns them for one second. The second skill is called the "Healing ward" he can heal allies in 360 degree around him. The third skill is called "Poison" which can cast in different enemy hero and causes them to slow and giving damage every second. And lastly the "Death ward" He just place the ward in front of the enemy and starts hitting like maching gun which drains the enemy heroes HP (health) and it also upgrade by Aghanim scepter which bounces the spells into 3 different enemy heroes.

   I can say that being a gamer doesn't really affects your studies. You just need to limit it everyday. It can be also a inspiration to everyone of us. I am a meepo user and saying that "If you win in the world, you win everything".