Lunes, Hulyo 20, 2015

What are the things you need to possess to have a good relationship.

7- What are the things you need to possess to have a good relationship.

Do you believe in the word forever? Does scientists know what forever means? Even love no one can explain it directly... What is the true meaning of love and forever? No one knows but they can explain what lifetime means. Someone said that "Forever is not enough" and other people said that "Forever is not true". We have different opinions... different options... but we only come with one question: It should be forever or it will be over. In a relationship, Its very common that the guy or the girl will say "Forever na tayo ah!" and the man said " Yes! Forever" then after a week they broke apart! So, where is the forever? Its already over for them. There are things you have to possess to have a good and unbreakable relationship.

First of all, You should be Trust worthy. Having this kind of trait will make your girl trust you all the time... Without trust in a relationship it will end like a dead body with no head. Second is loyalty, You had a relationship with a girl or a boy, you should stick with it. dont be hard that you want another man and you will have options if who is the best then you will just pick? NO! If you have relationship... be loyal because without loyalty there is no trust build in your relationship. Third is God lover... If you both praise God you will build trust, loyal and true. Having bible verses everyday with the person you love makes your relationship very strong. Or should i call it the fundamental or the soil of the tree. Without it, everything will be in vain and everything will be miserable and in sorrow. Times pass by... you notice that you are growing old with the person you love, Is that a relationship goal? yes it is! Have you listen to the song "Grow old with you"? that explains alot about growing old with the very person you really love.

Love is a feeling and forever is just a word. One day you and your love will say that Forever is true and it is worth waiting for. Love will never be defined as long as we change what we are feeling. Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes... but its the only thing we know. When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes... but its the only thing that makes us feel alive. Begging love will never set you free but when someone gives you love eventhough you are not asking... Learn to appreciate mostly when someone loves you... love him back as a return. When you see in his eyes that he really mean what he is saying, then go! Nothing will be gone in you if you just try and hope for the best.

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