Sabado, Hunyo 27, 2015

Rainy Day so It's Music Day

2-Rainy Day so It's Music Day

Before i write this kind of topic... I have a question " Why do you listen to sad songs when I'ts raining?" Maybe I'ts the perfect time to think and to feel what's Inside in your soul, heart and mind. I'ts cold, It's raining, lay in your bed comfortably and get a blanket and hug it and Lastly Get your earphones and start listening to sad songs... While you are listening you are thinking of a person you really want or you love...When you close your eyes and focus, you imagine you and your beloved singing together or maybe in a scene of the song. As you go to deeper songs like "Say something", "Stay", "Need you know"... Some of you will realize that, there are tears in your eyes you can encounter this when you are in a deep emotion, when you are heartbroken. When you are broken, you are aiming and just listening to the lyrics but when you are happy, you are listening to the tone of the song. The best songs that I really want are Ed sheeran songs because when he sings... It comes to your mind... down to your heart and inflicts to your spirit deeply and wildly. Do you love music? Well, everyone loves music eventhough they don't memorize the lyrics just follow the hymn of the song. Try to meditate while having music in your ears... But if you don't know how to meditate its fine... Are you having a bad day cause someone makes you feel bad? are you having a bad day cause your parents are always blaming you? are you having a bad day in life? Then suicide!!! Just joking!!!
Everyone of us is experiencing bad day, problems etc but when you do just focus your mind, heart and soul... don't mind the people that surrounds you. I'ts your own life. you can be yourself everytime but remember... "Always be mysterious" I'ts like a music... Sometimes your down but don't worry God will help you go up again. If you love someone, express it into music or maybe create your own song, I'm sure that he/she will appreciate what you've done. At this year... 1-10 are playing harana for their girls. what a shame cause those 9 are just courting in text messages, and the girl apparently kilig.So she will say yes quickly...mostly when boys are handsome. Be practical, be old-school. But always remember that update every song in your pocket... There are more good song's than senti or sad. Make your life colorful, joyful and specially musicful? hahahaha! So again... This is jeenonymous. If you want to share something just comment :) Don't be afraid cause I know what you feel and it hurts if you don't release that sh*t.

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