Linggo, Hunyo 28, 2015

If you could invent something.

3- If you could invent something.

If you are a genius. What thing you will invent and why? Mostly people will say "I will invent a time machine" and yeah! I really want to invent that thing so i can go back to the times that was fail or maybe the times i don't want to experience. Which leads to democracy of the world, the free will and the power to do and keeping the social balanced. But the thing is How can a single man do all of that? I am not that powerful to declare that world peace is needed. And I don't think that they will listen to a guy like me. Goverment is more powerful than all citizens. They have the law in their hands. they can make people dumb. and that's why we need this thing called time machine. I hope that people like goverment, bad guys and etc can't have time machine cause when they do. The world will come to a destruction or maybe leads to war. Let's talk about personal things like family and friends. What can you do to make them proud when you fail something? go to your invention then go back in time and correct your mistakes. Specially when your teacher is discussing about history you back in time like Mr. sherman and peabody... If you watch this movie you will able to figure out what i am saying. That movie is incredible... sherman is a dog genius and peabody is a simple boy. then everytime their teacher asks about the history they have this time machine that locates and gives the year so you can go where ever you want. It's very cool when you know all the history. As we go back to our main topic. Do you want a time machine? or maybe you will invent a memory card to your brain and read all books and memorize it so you will not fail? You want to be a perfect individual. or maybe inventing super powers like invisibility so you can sneak out in class and play dota 2 or lol. And lastly a freeze ray so you can stop anything? Time machine is the very most wanted device in the world. Even mad scientist can even make a draft of it. They said that it's impossible to make that thing. But remember as years pass by, the more knowledge we can get the more we can invent something new. However time machine can be use in bad ways... Are we genius enough to use this kind of machine? are we really educated man? and can we use it wisely?. mostly people say that they will use it in there own things, in their individual activity. But I hope that this machine will lead us to world peace and equality of human beings.

Sabado, Hunyo 27, 2015

Rainy Day so It's Music Day

2-Rainy Day so It's Music Day

Before i write this kind of topic... I have a question " Why do you listen to sad songs when I'ts raining?" Maybe I'ts the perfect time to think and to feel what's Inside in your soul, heart and mind. I'ts cold, It's raining, lay in your bed comfortably and get a blanket and hug it and Lastly Get your earphones and start listening to sad songs... While you are listening you are thinking of a person you really want or you love...When you close your eyes and focus, you imagine you and your beloved singing together or maybe in a scene of the song. As you go to deeper songs like "Say something", "Stay", "Need you know"... Some of you will realize that, there are tears in your eyes you can encounter this when you are in a deep emotion, when you are heartbroken. When you are broken, you are aiming and just listening to the lyrics but when you are happy, you are listening to the tone of the song. The best songs that I really want are Ed sheeran songs because when he sings... It comes to your mind... down to your heart and inflicts to your spirit deeply and wildly. Do you love music? Well, everyone loves music eventhough they don't memorize the lyrics just follow the hymn of the song. Try to meditate while having music in your ears... But if you don't know how to meditate its fine... Are you having a bad day cause someone makes you feel bad? are you having a bad day cause your parents are always blaming you? are you having a bad day in life? Then suicide!!! Just joking!!!
Everyone of us is experiencing bad day, problems etc but when you do just focus your mind, heart and soul... don't mind the people that surrounds you. I'ts your own life. you can be yourself everytime but remember... "Always be mysterious" I'ts like a music... Sometimes your down but don't worry God will help you go up again. If you love someone, express it into music or maybe create your own song, I'm sure that he/she will appreciate what you've done. At this year... 1-10 are playing harana for their girls. what a shame cause those 9 are just courting in text messages, and the girl apparently kilig.So she will say yes quickly...mostly when boys are handsome. Be practical, be old-school. But always remember that update every song in your pocket... There are more good song's than senti or sad. Make your life colorful, joyful and specially musicful? hahahaha! So again... This is jeenonymous. If you want to share something just comment :) Don't be afraid cause I know what you feel and it hurts if you don't release that sh*t.

Miyerkules, Hunyo 24, 2015

the person you love but doesn't love you back

1-The person you love but doesn't love you back 

Hmmm. What should I write? Something relate-able and something very familiar. It's all about the person you love but doesn't love you back, Don't be sad. All of us already encountered this type of feeling.Well, At this point... Do you love someone? that everytime you see that person it's just like Heaven? Think of the person you love, the memories that deeply comes in your mind, every words that you hear and everytime you are together... Just think of it for a minute. Did you smiled? Ofcourse you will. Sometimes when you see him/her you are melting and suddenly, you turn back and smile like a winner in a lottery. Funny right? but the thing is... you are afraid to tell that person that you love him/her. your already overthinking. Your mind says "what if" and "what if" and "what if". Enough thinking. Let's make it simple, you just go to a private place and start opening something and after the talking... you tell that person that you like him/her, and He just stop talking and start thinking... In his mind " why me? Im not the man that suits for you" Then reply " We are perfect for each other". As simple as that... But why is the question???!!!! why did he think that he doesn't suits you. Don't be afraid if he doesn't love you back. The important is, You told him what you really feel inside your heart,mind and soul. Then suddenly... AWKWARD MOMENTS AHEAD. It's normal. That's why don't assume too much, don't expect too much and importantly don't sing too much! HAHAHAHA If its raining, the sky is crying for you. But when its sunny, it's hot. I have this kind of feeling right now. i like someone but i still can't say it to her. you know why? cause it's too early. I am brave enough to tell her that i like her but we need more time to get know each other. I like her and i really do... Everytime she stares at me... I'm smiling and i can't even hide it. When i Grab her hand it's so worth it. and everytime i text her... i feel alive and free. I really really want to tell her about my feelings but i am a negative thinker. I think that if i tell her what i feel... Its already end of the world for me cause i know that she doesn't likes me and he likes another guy. Awww. It hurts so much. So i just layed down and start to pretend like im just a friend. well, i'm a good pretender. but sometimes my feelings cover's me. I can't pretend no more cause its too much. I wish that she will love me like i love her. I will pray and hope for the best. <3