Lunes, Hulyo 20, 2015

What are the things you need to possess to have a good relationship.

7- What are the things you need to possess to have a good relationship.

Do you believe in the word forever? Does scientists know what forever means? Even love no one can explain it directly... What is the true meaning of love and forever? No one knows but they can explain what lifetime means. Someone said that "Forever is not enough" and other people said that "Forever is not true". We have different opinions... different options... but we only come with one question: It should be forever or it will be over. In a relationship, Its very common that the guy or the girl will say "Forever na tayo ah!" and the man said " Yes! Forever" then after a week they broke apart! So, where is the forever? Its already over for them. There are things you have to possess to have a good and unbreakable relationship.

First of all, You should be Trust worthy. Having this kind of trait will make your girl trust you all the time... Without trust in a relationship it will end like a dead body with no head. Second is loyalty, You had a relationship with a girl or a boy, you should stick with it. dont be hard that you want another man and you will have options if who is the best then you will just pick? NO! If you have relationship... be loyal because without loyalty there is no trust build in your relationship. Third is God lover... If you both praise God you will build trust, loyal and true. Having bible verses everyday with the person you love makes your relationship very strong. Or should i call it the fundamental or the soil of the tree. Without it, everything will be in vain and everything will be miserable and in sorrow. Times pass by... you notice that you are growing old with the person you love, Is that a relationship goal? yes it is! Have you listen to the song "Grow old with you"? that explains alot about growing old with the very person you really love.

Love is a feeling and forever is just a word. One day you and your love will say that Forever is true and it is worth waiting for. Love will never be defined as long as we change what we are feeling. Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes... but its the only thing we know. When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes... but its the only thing that makes us feel alive. Begging love will never set you free but when someone gives you love eventhough you are not asking... Learn to appreciate mostly when someone loves you... love him back as a return. When you see in his eyes that he really mean what he is saying, then go! Nothing will be gone in you if you just try and hope for the best.


6- Friendship

                 Today, I am going to talk about friendship... You guys have friends right? but the thing is: Are they REAL FRIENDS? Can you relay on them? What if you are problematic and your friends are  not there for you? can you still consider them as friends? Having friends is normal, If you dont have a friend you are abnormal or you are a alien thingy.What are friends for? Are they just optional? There are alot of questions to ask when it comes to friends? Advantages and Disadvantages. Good and Bad friends. and the most important thing... THE REAL AND THE FAKE FRIENDS. Deymmmm!!!!
So, Let me discuss my opinion about friendship.

                  First thing first, Everyone has a friend... Or they call them as bestfriend. Does bestfriend is enough in a man? Well, definately no: what if your friend and you are in LQ mode? or the misunderstanding time? who will you seek and who will you be with? So, you need a real friends as much as you can get? Dont trust your friend in your secrets... They will just tell your secret to their bestfriend; and once it is exposed... You will regret that thing happend and dont want to trust people anymore. Secondly, TRUST NO ONE. What will you get if you trust a person? you will just get backstabbed. backstabber's are those who release or expose a top secret to another person to another. Since it will become controversy, It will appear that no one ever said what your secret is. No one will be the suspek if that happend. Third is dont make friends with those who are BI or bad influence cause once you have friends like that... You will be bad too, others will think that you are bad and they dont want to be friends with you because you chose to be belong with the bad persons.

                  I there for conclude that, Friendship is like a ship... there are time that you will lose hope when you are experiencing a storm. Ship will not be balance if there is no captain , flag and most of all the troops. Remember, pick your friends patiently what is the point if you have many friends but they are not all real? Remember: God made adam and eve, not just adam or just eve.

Sabado, Hulyo 4, 2015

Things you need to say before It's too late

5- Things you need to say before it's too late

Tick! tock! tick! tock! time is running out. If you only have 1 day to live in this world what will you say with your love ones? Are you willing to know what are these?

1.I Trust you, is the most valuable and rare asset in the world today. It is very hard to create and even harder to maintain. Tell them you trust them, it doesn’t matter if they know it already. Reassuring words are very healthy and help create a happy relationship. Trust is bonding, without these your bond is weak... easy to break.

2.I Believe in you. Having faith in someone is a beautiful thing. Your partner wants you to tell them you have faith in them and you believe in them. No matter how difficult and impossible their endeavour may seem, tell them they can do it. They’ll never forget it. Believe what they can do.If you have an enemy you should 

3.I forgive you...Let go of the negativity. Forgiveness is one of the most precious gifts you can give to someone. If they made a mistake and promise to not make it again, forgive them. You won’t be stupid for forgiving them, you’ll only be the bigger person. But NEVER say it if you don’t mean it, only say it if you can truly forgive them with all of your heart.and lastly..

4. I love you, Last but definitely not the least, tell them you love them. These three little words have the power to turn a frown into a smile. Even if they know it already, doesn’t matter. Reassure them everyday, not because you fall in love with them everyday, but because you are in love with them! 

No matter what you say... say it before your life comes to an end, no one knows when it is. Do what ever you want but limitation is always required. Remember overdoing is bad. Remain calm and pray to God. As he will make your life colorful and full of discovery.

Fixing what is broken

4- Fixing what is broken

Do you know how to fix problems? Are you a problem seeker? Or the one who always apologize? Things are different in this kind of world.Positive, Neutral and Negative thinker are the common behavior. If you are a positive thinker, you always make the first move to be happy than others... you want to make everyone happy because you love them. Positive thinker leads to success they said, and if you let your head up high, you will see yourself in the future.

Your lucky if you are a positive thinker because you just step aside the problems in the world and you are not serious about it... you want to enjoy your life to the fullest. The Neutral thinker, In other ways it is called "the balance thinker or the average" Sometimes you want to YOLO but sometimes you don't want to be disturb because you are thinking problems. So your lucky having this kind of behavior because your life is well balanced. And lastly the Negative thinker, your mind always think that you are the cause of all the problems in this world, you always make yourself down and rude. You also overthink problems because when you make a single mistake, you always think of it in the rest of your day eventhough you keep yourself busy. Have you encountered a problem that is so big that can't even imagine? Like an argument with your parents... Isn't that awful?

 Lets make it relative... When you and your bestfriends are fighting and blaming eachother and you are a negative thinker... what will you do? Can you help them to fix the problem? or you will just stand aside and just listen to them?. Fixing a broken friendship is that possible? Yes! but still, It depends on the attitude of everyone. A broken friendship always starts with the backstab am I right? We all hate that kind of attitude but still we consider them as true friends. Friendship is very important of everyone's life. Real friends, who always there to help you when you are down... they always care about you... they text's you if you are okay etc. You are so lucky if you have that kind of friends around you. That will stay for you until you get better. Don't ever leave them alone or betray them cause when you do... you lost a real friend. A good bond leads to long friendship. Psychologist said that "If your friendship last 7 years... Your friendship will last forever" So love them like they love you. Be loyal and kind, and lastly... BE YOURSELF.